Review | Gas Breath #4

Gas Breath #4 taken by LuckyHazed

Gas Breath #4 Reviewed by Luckyhazed

This GB #4 is really crazy in every way. These buds are so beautiful and dank, they’re dense and covered with a lot of milky trichomes. That product is sticky and the cure is really awesome. Intense aromas who remind me of a nice GMO strain. I have pepper smell coming into the nose with big skunk terps those buds explode of aromas that’s just crazy. Been a while that I have tasting something like this. Flavors is exactly like the smell , it’s stay on the tongue and it’s delicious. Effect coming very quickly just before I take my last puff. Intense indica high with giggly and uplifting feeling that leave me pretty vibey and relaxed , it was a nice after work sesh 💨 give me the munchies but I was ready for that haha! Help with the muscle spasm in the legs (in my case) and it’s a good strain to have at the end of the day on a Sunday Perfect ashes and clean toking ! A little big rough on the side when inhaled but it’s still so freaking good. Overall a big 10/10


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