Review | Island Death Pink

Island Death Pink taken by LuckyHazed

Island Death Pink Reviewed by LuckyHazed

Big Indica with a deep strong smell that I really love. Them buds are pretty with a good stickiness in it. That extremely pungent nose that smell everywhere without having to smoke lol 💨🤟🏻 It have some hint of spice with it when smoked and can taste more when exhaled. That smoke is smooth for the lungs and easy on the throat. Intense Indica buzz who don’t let me staying up for too long , after 10 minute of toking that I was hungry a lot with an intense deep sensation of relaxation and was feeling very good. Best strain to go to sleep without anxiety on the shoulders . That product burn really clean the ashes of my joint was white with a nice ring of oil around my j’s. Overall a 10/10 on that one it’s my favorite Indica from OneTwoTreez at the moment


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