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Tag Archives: Milo902

Review | Goji Berry Breath

Photo of Goji Berry Breath taken by reviewer Milo902

Goji Berry Breath Grade: AAAA- Price:$140 Company: OneTwoTreez Website: and    Beautiful frosty looking herb at first sight! Sticky, rock solid, chunky, crispy large and amazingly manicured. Buds are so frosty and caked in milky crystals and huge furry gleaming trichomes I can barely see the color! But I’m seeing mostly lime green with […]

Review | Jellysickle

Photo of our Jellysickle weed taken by StonerScotian

Jellysickle Reviewed by StonerScotian Appeal: Medium to large meaty chunky nugs, with a deep beautiful purple coloring. Having a heavy blanket of trichomes. Denesity: Being pretty well rock hard with no spongeyness on touch. Smell: Having a sickly sweet creamy fruity aroma with a tones of blueberry. Cure/Trim: Cured perfectly, not being to dry or […]

Review | Jellysickle

Photo of Jellysickle taken by Reviewer Milo902

Jellysickle (Purple Punch x Jelly Breath) Grade: AAAA Price:$150oz Company: One Two Treez Website: Beautiful looking herb and equally smelling at first sight!! Very sticky, moist, dense almost rock solid well manicured and cured large awesome buds! Mostly dark forest green and lime green on the outside but once broken open everything turns deep […]